This introductory step-by-step guide helps educators teach students about giving and responding to needs in the community. Just like generosity is part of all aspects of your life, teaching generosity in community can be part of every aspect of teaching. We’ll show you how. This course is for the educator working in-school, after-school, with youth groups, or community foundation youth advisory committees.
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To introduce students to a definition of social entrepreneurship and examples of social entrepreneurs in America.
This lesson explores the components of healthy living: eating healthy foods and exercise. Children identify their favorite healthy foods and forms of exercise that help them live a healthy life. Focus question: What foods and activity choices are important for healthy living?
Students explore the meaning of community and describe traits of a healthy classroom community. They develop a class definition of a healthy community and learn how to promote healthy habits in the school community.
Students learn about nutrition for healthy bodies and encourage others to make healthy choices. Students learn about healthy choices by playing a group game. In the end they learn that when everyone is healthy, we are all able to...
Students learn about food choices as needs or wants. They read a book and discuss healthy choices. They discuss why is not always good to have everything you want. They discuss the foods we need to have healthy bodies and minds. Students create healthy food choice plates and share them to...
Students explore healthy living habits for themselves and for their community. They practice making healthy food choices, exercising and helping people of the community do the same. Learners develop a service-learning project based on a community needs assessment.
Students explore what it means to be responsible citizens and identify ways they are (or can be) responsible at home, in school, and in the community. They create a survey related to people's perceptions of community health and poll members of the community to identify needs.
Students analyze survey results, choose a community health need, and design a service project to address it.