One of the fundamental purposes for education is to prepare youth for responsible citizenship. This includes caring for others and the common good, understanding how government and voting work, following current events, listening to diverse points of view and having civil conversations, and advocating for a cause. This toolkit includes background information and project ideas related to civic participation.

Learners research the environmental effect of crayons and their own power to make an impact. They collect gently used crayons from restaurants and other places in the community. They sort them by color, repackage them sustainably for re-use, and add a kind note. They learn about the difference between nonprofit and for-profit businesses, and they identify where there is need for the repackaged crayons. Optional: they may plan an art project to do with younger or older generations (preschool or retirement home). 

Media Literacy 

With all of the ways we get media, it is difficult to sort out what information we are absorbing and what is real. Sifting through all of the information can be difficult for even the most adept media consumer. Learning to Give offers this Media Literacy guide to...

In this activity, participants use critical thinking to deconstruct an issue they care about. They identify a problem, explore the root causes and effects, and research who the experts are. This is a great way to build community, use creative expression, and come up with different approaches to collaboratively make a difference. 

The handouts below are evaluations that may be completed by parents and families, community partners, students, and teachers. These evaluations may be used in conjunction with any Learning to Give lesson, toolkit, or resource. The goal is to help you collect information about the...

Written by David B. Boodt



The Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs – generally referred to as the “Filer Commission” after its chair John H. Filer - started in November 1973 and disbanded two years later (Anheier,...

Written by Angela White, Ph.D.



The Tax Reform Act of 1969 (TRA69) was a significant federal tax overhaul for nonprofit organizations.  The parts of TRA69 that relate to nonprofits sprang from a desire to hold them accountable for...

Written by Manal Issa



Sector failure refers to the “three-failure” theories: market failure, government failure and voluntary failure. It addresses the...
