Video Clip and Discussion Guide: When we name big-dollar givers in history, we do not often hear the names of women. Historically women's philanthropy looks different. In this video, we look at examples of women's giving. This is not an attempt to define women's philanthropy, but to look at the less recognized, but still significant, giving of women as philanthropists. 

Video Clip and Discussion Guide: Every major religion has a message of love and kindness. People of all faiths believe doing good and love for humanity are the building blocks of any community, or civil society. Listen to representatives from Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and secular perspectives talk about love and service, or philanthropy. Note the common language of responsibility, justice, and love requiring that we serve -- moving from the individual to community in our actions. 

Video Clip and Discussion Guide: The arts are an important part of any community. One of the things that makes life worth living is the capacity to see beautiful things. Foundations that fund the arts recognize that arts make a community stronger and more vital. The performers and artists are often the biggest philanthropists, as they dedicate their time and talent to brighten our lives and stimulate discussion. 

Video Clip and Discussion Guide: Many nonprofits rely on fundraising to support their budgets and get their work done. Want to know what it is like to ask for money to support an issue you care about? This four-minute video clip and accompanying questions provide a glimpse of how fundraisers get excited about asking for money.
