In the book Martin’s Big Words the partnership between the author Doreen Rappaport and the illustrator Bryan Collier results in a profound story. Through the use of Dr. King’s own words, Rappaport crafts a compelling biography. Collier’s art both illuminates and...
Ignite meaningful action that lights up the world through "Service Sparks" youth projects! Practice active listening that values another's experience.
by Elizabeth Williams
Biographical Highlights
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) is widely considered to be the wealthiest man and most prominent philanthropist in United States history. His ...
by Jonathan Collier
The definition of non-distribution constraint has two elements to it. Firstly ‘non-distribution’ which is a negative definition in terms of telling us what cannot be done rather than what can be. In...
by Maureen Shiel
Science Daily defines water scarcity as the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. Water scarcity can be a lack of sufficient water, or not having access to safe...
by Jennifer Schall
A fun run, commonly in the form of a walk-a-thon (or swim-a-thon or bike-a-thon), can be an approachable way to raise money for an organization or cause. This type of fundraiser ...
by Mandy Priest
SEL is the process through which children acquire and apply knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain...
by Alyson Landers
Children’s (or juvenile) literature is defined by the Library of Congress as books especially written for an audience of children from birth up to grade 9 (age 15), and young adult literature is defined as material for...
Elizabeth Dagle
Public-private partnerships are formal arrangements between a public entity (a government organization at the federal, state, or local level) and a private entity (a nonprofit or for-profit) organization. Through...
by Jennifer Evans
“Body image is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and feelings that result from that perception. These feelings can be positive, negative or both, and are influenced by individual and...