Tell me a story...

A man hesitates to kill his fattened pig because he does not wish to share the meat with his neighbors. A friend advises him to kill the pig at night and to tell the people that it has been stolen. He does this and hides the meat, but the man who advised him steals...

Tell me a story...

In a little town where everyone knew everyone, there lived a young man called Juan Zanate. He was given this name because he was always accompanied by one or two zanate birds.

Juan used to sit under his favorite tree, dreaming and planning his life. He wanted...

Tell me a story...

In a certain town, the king had two daughters and a son. His older daughter was married.

In the same town, there lived an old woman with her two daughters. She did menial jobs to feed and clothe and bring up her children. When the girls had reached puberty,...

Tell me a story...

There was a man named Paddy Ó Gadhra living beyond in Malin Glen long ago. One evening he had gone west to Caiseal in Glencoimcille and when his business was finished he faced towards home. It was a fine moonlit night, and as he was going west by Dún Ált at Screig...

Youth Activity: This interactive activity helps young people understand philanthropy and the language used when describing philanthropic actions. The facilitator sets the tone for a “fun” experience with words.
