Servant leaders are people who practice a leadership philosophy that “enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.” For this activity, youth create their own oral history recording by interviewing an individual who they consider a servant leader. Youth will glean lessons from the interview and create and preserve a historical record of a story that is worthwhile knowing.

This is the story of Kogi the priest. Actually, his given name was Eizo, and as a child he loved the sea. He grew up in a fishing port and the sea, the waves, the beaches, filled his childhood. As a child he was something of a dreamer. He could sit for hours and watch the waves roll in and back...

Once upon a time, a very long time ago indeed, there lived a King who had made a vow never to eat bread or break his fast until he had given away a hundredweight of gold in charity.
So, every day, before King Karan—for that was his name—had his breakfast, the palace servants would come out...
