Philanthropy 101 Course Introduction
To introduce students to the concept of philanthropy and have them begin thinking about how they can be intentional about their giving of money and time. Students explore issues and identify an issue about which they are passionate; they get to know different types of nonprofit organizations; and they learn to determine the effectiveness of a nonprofit before they donate money or time to an organization that matches their interest.
Students were selected for this course through an application process.
Students will:
- Demonstrate their understanding of the concept that we are all recipients of philanthropy and have befitted from others’ generosity by citing examples of philanthropy from their own family or community experiences
- Learn and reflect on the speaker’s belief that students can and should be taught about philanthropy by discussing some of their beliefs after the presentation
- Learn and discuss the myriad opportunities for philanthropic giving and serving
Philanthropy 101 Course Syllabus
Walk through the overview of the course and talk about what will be covered over the next few weeks.
Discuss aspects of philanthropic giving; the history of philanthropy; motives for giving; and types of nonprofit and philanthropic institutions (Arts, Education, Environment, Health, Religion, Social Services, Foundations).
Ask students to share where they think they may be donating their $500 at the end of the course and why they may choose that particular cause or organization.
Class discussion followed by a short essay demonstrating the concepts learned from this lesson.
Submitted by a.koushki_25951 on October 15, 2020 - 23:40