The children visit a local preschool or retirement facility of their choosing to read aloud a book they wrote and illustrated about generous giving. They share a drumming experience and give the drums and books as gifts. 

The learners make drums with recyclable containers and colorful craft supplies. They collaboratively write and illustrate a retelling of the story of "The Drum" and give it to a younger child. 

The purpose of this lesson is to have the children identify the value of the gifts in the folktale "The Drum." They brainstorm gifts they have to give (time, talent, and treasure) and the value these gifts may have to others.

Using the radio broadcast "This I Believe" as a model, learners create visual or audio statements of their beliefs about volunteering and serving. Each presentation communicates the culture, experiences, and motivations that influence the learner's attitude about service. After presenting their statements to the class, the learners discuss how to use the presentations as a form of advocacy to promote civic engagement in the community. This lesson incorporates reflection and a demonstration to a wider audience.

The purpose of this session is to show and celebrate the completion of the video documentary. Sharing the documentary is an act of philanthropy as it teaches and inspires others about philanthropy in the community. Participants reflect and write about the service-learning experience.

The purpose of this session is to plan and develop a video documentary. Modeling their documentary after the West Michigan documentary The Gift of All, youth interview local philanthropists and create a multi-media story of their community and local philanthropy. Creating and sharing the documentary is an act of philanthropy as they teach and inspire others about philanthropy in the community.
