Fair and Impartial

6, 7, 8

Learners define the meaning of impartial and connect it to fairness through the use of a Frayer model graphic organizer.

PrintOne 20-minute lesson

The learner will:

  • compare the meaning of impartial with the meaning of fair.

group copies of handout below Frayer Model 


  1. Anticipatory Set

    On a recreation team, the goals are exercise and teamwork, and all players are supposed to get equal play time. At the Saturday games, three kids on the team get more play time, get the best positions, and get lots of praise from the coach. In this case, the coach is being partial (favoring one over another), which is not fair to the others.

  2. In contrast, a high school football coach does not have to be impartial about playing time during a game. Discuss why this is different.

    The expectation is the coach will play the players strategically to win, not to give all players equal time. Discuss how the football coach can be fair and impartial in other ways. Example: The coach may be fair by looking at their skills and strengths, not unrelated factors (like skin color, wealth, friendships, or bribes).

  3. Working in small groups, learners define impartiality using the Frayer Model handout. They fill in the sections of the graphic organizer with a definition of impartiality, characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

    Optional: They may complete the Frayer Model (defining impartiality) with one of the following relationships in mind: parents and siblings, judge and defendant, friends playing a sport, black and white students in 1950's schools, women and men applying for the same job, teacher and students, or another situation that comes from a relevant area of study.

  4. After ten minutes, have the groups share key observations from their discussion of impartiality. Discuss what opportunities they might have to be impartial. Brainstorm some situations where they expect impartiality (to be treated equally).


Philanthropy Framework

  1. Strand PHIL.I Definitions of Philanthropy
    1. Standard DP 01. Define Philanthropy
      1. Benchmark MS.4 Give examples of how individuals have helped others.