Character Education: Caring (Grade 6)
What role does caring play in relationships and life success? How can developing caring equip people as world citizens who contribute to the common good?
Photo credit: Albania-02590-Mother Teresa by Dennis Jarvis is licensed under CC by 2.0
Learners recognize that famous philanthropists started with small acts of kindness before they performed the influential acts that we remember them for. Learners define caring through discussion of examples and create an acrostic using the word CARING. Learners get inspiration from the work and words of Mother Teresa about performing small acts of kindness. The unit is culminated with the learners selecting a project and making a plan for carrying out a small act of kindness with a group or individually. After reflecting on their experience with performing an act of kindness, they will compare their experience to the message in a folktale, and write about the impact of a single small act of caring.
Learners define caring through discussion of examples and writing an acrostic.
Students brainstorm simple acts of kindness and design a bookmark as a reminder.
In this lesson, we learn that small actions do matter to the common good. While Mother Teresa is an amazing example of generosity, selflessness, and caring, we don't need to give up everything and make grand gestures to be caring.
Learners get inspiration from the work and words of Mother Teresa about performing small acts of kindness. They make a plan for carrying out a small act of kindness.
Learners reflect on their experience with performing an act of kindness from the previous lesson. They compare their experience to the message in a folktale, and write about the impact of a single small act of caring.