Students read an African version of the Cinderella story so that they can compare versions and increase their sense of story.
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In this lesson, the children compares a Native American version of the Cinderella story with other versions.
This lesson introduces the characteristics of fairy tales as a genre. The children explore positive and negative character traits and universal themes in the story of Cinderella. The service plan is introduced in this lesson and carried out over the next weeks.
Children define beautiful and identify acts of philanthropy in literature.
Children recognize an act of philanthropy in literature and discuss ways to make the world more beautiful with acts of philanthropy.
Students describe elements of personal health and fitness and relate this to the health of the community, recognizing that the elements of a healthy community are good for all members. The students identify the availability of healthy foods and practices in the school, neighborhood, and home...
Learners identify business, governmental, nonprofit and/or individual efforts to keep our water supply clean and promote the common good. Learners will describe water as a scarce natural resource and share techniques for water conservation that everyone can use.
Using the plays from the previous lesson as a jumpstart, youth carry out a plan to share time and talent in the community. They may help at a local food pantry or donation center. After the visit, they reflect on the impact of their contribution to...
Young people learn about philanthropy through the book Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen and a visit from a nonprofit representative.
In this lesson, young people identify idioms in the book Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen. They discuss the meanings of idioms and talk about hurtful language in the literal meaning of some idioms. They may playfully modify idioms to reflect a philanthropic heart.