by Crystal Jones
Biographical Highlights
by Crystal Jones
Biographical Highlights
The purpose of this lesson is to teach learners how to give charity, to whom one should give charity, and to what extent/amount of charity is to be given. The lesson follows the examples and teachings of Maimonides (the Rambam) as well as interpretations and extensions of ancient Biblical laws...
This lesson will teach the basic Biblical laws of Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim (the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) the rationale that supports these laws, and practical applications of these laws in today’s world. The learner will participate in a class project aimed to assist community...
This lesson will teach learners G-d’s appreciation for trees and the importance of planting and preserving trees for our future. The learners will identify these concepts in Biblical verses, Talmudic passages and modern Jewish associations. They will also develop an understand of and an...
This lesson will familiarize the learners with basic laws of charity (tzedakah) in Biblical literature. Through laws and stories, students will begin to understand the level of importance that the Bible places on acts of charity (tzedakah), specifically as it relates to...
This lesson will familiarize students with the Biblical passages that describe Adam’s responsibility to care for the Garden of Eden. Learners will develop an understanding of what this responsibility required of Adam and model this responsibility to nature by taking care of a garden of their own...
This lesson will help students learn the value of taking care of the world. It will help them form a connection with nature and want to protect the things that G-d created.
By reading about her life and her work, students will understand how Mary Eliza Church Terrell’s writing and activism brought about change for African Americans and women.
This lesson introduces the concept that trees are just one of many elements in nature that are of fundamental importance to our lives. Learners will explore various reasons why we need nature, why we should be stewards of the environment and will be inspired to work harder to protect Mother...