Video Clip and Discussion Guide: When a foundation gives money to help a nonprofit carry out its mission or project, the funder and grantee are helping each other make a difference for something they both care about. A healthy funder-grantee relationship is a partnership. Both need the other to do good.
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This toolkit guides youth, educators, group leaders, families, and community groups as they facilitate building inclusive communities and prepare to take action. Contents:
Learners get inspiration from the work and words of Mother Teresa about performing small acts of kindness. They make a plan for carrying out a small act of kindness.
To help students see music as an art form that identifies social injustice, advocates for change, and proclaims hope on behalf of the forgotten.
Youth learn about basic human rights and discuss whether everyone deserves these rights. In addition, they reflect on examples of human kindness and collective action for the common good.
Using award-winning literature, the learners describe and analyze racism in Mississippi during the Great Depression. The readers identify the injustices in the community as well as the values and self-respect that build community relationships and strength.
Every day, we make choices about what to eat based on our health and what we like and can afford. As global citizens who care about the good of all, we can also be aware of making food choices based on our impact on an interconnected system.
The learners read and reflect on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it relates to respect.
Youth learn about the toxic ingredients in personal care products and take action to protect local waterways from the effects of the chemicals.
With similar motivations to present-day refugees, African Americans moved north in the mid-1800s to escape slavery and unsafe living conditions in the South. Detroit was an important location where Conductors on the Underground Railroad helped thousands to cross the Detroit River into Canada. In...