This lesson helps learners see the potential for reusing materials rather than throwing them away. They research and contact community organizations that support recycling efforts.
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Unit: One Person's Trash
Unit: Climate Change Challenge
Youth research current data and stories about climate change and ways to reverse the damage caused by human activity. Through discussion and research, they establish things they can do personally and as a team as environmental stewards.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students form groups, sign group agreements, delegate tasks, and begin forming their service-learing project proposal. The teacher provides mini-lessons to individuals, as needed, who bring information back to groups on presentation skills, budgeting, and service-learning procedure.
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
Youth make a plan as empowered and responsible members of the civil society to take action to prevent bullying behavior while being sensitive to the people involved, from the victim to the bystander to the bully.
Unit: Earth Keepers
This lesson introduces learners to our global community. Learners see how they depend on the earth and the earth depends on them. Since we share the earth with many other people, we have a responsibility (for the good of all) to be good...
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will familiarize the learners with basic laws of charity (tzedakah) in Biblical literature. Through laws and stories, students will begin to understand the level of importance that the Bible places on acts of charity (tzedakah), specifically as it relates to...
Unit: Respecting the Environment (Private-Religious)
This lesson will teach the basic ideas of Shemittah and the practical reasons behind the commandment and the learners will understand the connection between respecting the Earth and respecting themselves.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 6)
Learners reflect on their experience with performing an act of kindness from the previous lesson. They compare their experience to the message in a folktale, and write about the impact of a single small act of caring.
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To bring awareness to the importance of partnerships between nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government agencies and how they can work together.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students explore what it means to be responsible citizens and identify ways they are (or can be) responsible at home, in school, and in the community. They create a survey related to people's perceptions of community health and poll members of the community to identify needs.