Using different approaches, the group develops a working understanding of the definition of philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Using different approaches, the group develops a working understanding of the definition of philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Students become familiar with the structure of the newspaper and the purpose of the different types of articles as they explore "stories" about acts of giving and sharing time, talent, and treasure for the common good. Students recognize the types of voices and articles in the newspaper. They...
Students learn about the characteristics of an effective personal narrative and compare those to a news article. They do prewriting activities and practice writing details to show rather than tell about an experience.
The most important role models for learners demonstrate how one can live responsibly in our world while achieving success by contemporary measure. The great gift and challenge of Judaism is to bring holiness to the profane- to the worldly. The models offered in this lesson are successful in this...
One of the ways we identify ourselves is through the culture of our gender identity. This may include our gender and how we express ourselves through our clothing, hair, and what we like to do and who we like to spend time with. This lesson raises awareness of the variety of ways people express...
This activity explores the difference between anti-racism, which includes active steps away from injustice, and non-racism, which is a passive description.
The students will use their knowledge of philanthropy and poetic conventions to write original poetry about philanthropic giving.
We are made by history. In this activity, youth read the stories of philanthropic African Americans and influential related events that made America what it is today. Then they create a virtual Pop-Up Museum as an advocacy service project in which they tell stories of Black history and philanthropy.
Inspired by stories of service, young people define philanthropy concepts and actions. They brainstorm acts of kindness and determine how they will contribute to the common good.
After reading the book The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter children talk about the importance of books to any community. They discuss ways to take action for the good of the community related to literature.