Learners discuss the word homeless and how it is used in a sentence (as adjective and noun). After reading an article about homelessness by Anna Quindlen, they discuss a respectful way to use the language that describes a group of people who are vulnerable...
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Unit: Investing In Others
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
The learners review the water cycle and come to an understanding about the need to sustain the quality of the world's water for the common good.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Learners brainstorm universal obstacles to completing tasks and meeting goals.
Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 8)
In this lesson, the learners define the concept of responsibility through personal reflection and discussion.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on their attitude about and responsibility for making fair choices about spending. They use the literary device of metaphor to express their thoughts.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students determine which community need they want to address with a service project. Once a priority need has been determined, they research related nonprofit organizations with a student-generated list of questions.
Unit: Souperservice Kids
In this lesson, we explore where vegetables come from and how they are preserved for healthy eating.
Unit: Encouraging Community Engagement
Learners use economic thinking to determine how to allocate their scarce resources for community service.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson gives an overview of the nineteenth century Industrial Revolution, and the major changes to how people live and work. Young people learn about the key inventions and changes that shifted focus from people and their skills to big machines and systems of mass production. The systems...
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Learners analyze Buddhist folktales to determine their relevance to everyday life. There are times when the easiest thing one can do is leave and let others deal with a stressful situation. When one stays and works through the tough times with responsibility...