Using Our Skills (Private-Religious)
  1. Strand PHIL.IV Volunteering and Service
    1. Standard VS 01. Needs Assessment
      1. Benchmark HS.1 Identify a need in the school, local community, state, nation, or world.
    2. Standard VS 04. Raising Private Resources
      1. Benchmark HS.3 Describe a detailed action for service.

The learners will review the tolerance skills/characteristics necessary to discern and promote tolerance. They will also identify situations that call for tolerance in their daily lives.

PrintOne - Fifty Minute Class Period

The learner will:

  • review and articulate an understanding of tolerance skills/characteristics.
  • identify where and how these tolerance skills/characteristics can and are to be used in their daily life.
  • identify a home, school, social group/friends, and world situation that call for tolerance and provide a plan, using tolerance skills/characteristics, to address one of those situations.
  • Attachment One: Opening Scenario
  • Attachment Two: Tolerance Identification Sheet
  • Attachment Three: Writing Reflection Rubric
  1. Anticipatory Set:Teacher Note: Prior to class, assign four students (three male and one female) to reenact the Attachment One: Opening Scenario. Following the reenactment have the class respond to the reenacted scenario sharing their reactions and feelings toward it. Have them identify some of the tolerance skills that could be used to deal effectively with this situation.



  2. Provide each learner with a copy of the Attachment Two: Tolerance Identification Sheet andask them to identify a tolerance need in each of the four identified areas.

  3. Once completed, ask for volunteers to share some of the identified situations calling for tolerance.Teacher Note: Since this request to share may be of a sensitive nature for some, do not make participation in this portion of the activity mandatory.

  4. As these situations are being shared, have the class discuss what tolerance skills/characteristics (knowledge, listening, education, patience, care, understanding, compassion, objectivity, etc.) are needed to deal with each of these shared situations.

  5. Encourage those who share their situations to compare their list of required tolerance skills/characteristics to those that are being offered by the class and jot down any new ideas on their Attachment Two: Tolerance Identification Sheet.

  6. Ask each student to select one area from among the four he/she has identified on their completed Attachment Two: Tolerance Identification Sheet and work individually using the knowledge gained in this unit to plan and implement the plan to promote tolerance in their selected area.

  7. Determine a time of completion for this project and require each learner to provide a follow-up two-page reflection on the results of their project based on the requirements found in the Attachment Three: Writing Reflection Rubric.


The learner’s involvement in class discussion, the observed seriousness of the thought process in selecting and developing a project to promote tolerance, and the quality and depth of personal reflection evident in the final required writing will form the basis for the assessment of this lesson.

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