A Sufi Tale: Usually the Hodja has no trouble coming up with the sermon to deliver on Friday afternoons. However, when he draws a blank, he uses his creativity and then he doesn’t have to give a sermon for weeks! What is the source of inspiration in our lives, and to whom do we look for guidance? Often wisdom is available within.

Korean Tale: A young boy greedily demands stories from everyone he meets, stuffing them into a “story-bag” and never sharing them. When he grows up and is about to be married, a servant overhears the stories plotting to take revenge. Stories are gifts that are meant to be shared.

Jewish Tale: A childless woman volunteers at a hospital where she cares for a woman with no family. When the woman lies dying she promises her friend she will send her a baby. Shortly afterwards, the childless woman has a child of her own. How do we understand the timing of the gifts that come into our lives?
