Biographical Highlights

The Guggenheim Family left a strong mark in the industrial smelting industry of the early 1900’s. By 1918 Forbes reckoned that the Guggenheims were the second richest family in...

The Saguaro Seminar is an initiative focused on the study of social capital and civic engagement in America. Through this research, emphasis was given to improving connections among Americans and improving the infrastructure of civic engagement. By doing this, The Saguaro Seminar hopes to advance ways to build social capital. 

Written by Rick Smith with some content from an earlier edition by Cheryl Gage.



Established in 1956, The Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Through data, analysis, and training, it...


Giving Circle: a collaborative philanthropic tool that leverages small amounts of money to make a more substantial cumulative impact. Related to investment clubs, frequently...


Biographical Highlights

Vine Deloria Jr. is one of the best-known American Indian activists of the 20th century. A member of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, Deloria came...
