Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was a trained minister whose future changed when he met Alice Cogswell, a young girl who was deaf. In 1817, Gallaudet opened the "Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons" in Hartford, Connecticut; it was the first U.S. deaf school. He had observed European educational methods and recruited a teacher of the deaf, Laurent Clerc, whose work helped develop American Sign Language (ASL).

 and Luana G. Nissan


The term "philanthropy" is often used to mean large financial gifts given by wealthy individuals to organizations, institutions or individuals in need. Dr....


Dorothy Day integrated social activism and Catholic religious traditions through her work to aid the poor, educate others about social injustices, and create...

George Washington Carver was a teacher, agricultural scientist and inventor who served Tuskegee Institute in Alabama for forty-seven years. He made many contributions to the world and the environment, including developing revolutionary crop rotation theory that helped conserve land from overuse. He educated and empowered farmers in agricultural techniques, particularly in the American South and founded the Carver Research Foundation.
