Youth Activity; Students read about the philanthropy of Madam C.J. Walker, David Robinson, and Jason Crowe, and they begin to tell their own story.

"I do what I do for a simple reason, really; I like to help people." - middle school student

This energizer activity provides a fast and fun way to learn about the word philanthropy and its meaning.

"My friends are much more likely to get involved if word gets out that what we are doing is fun. We need to get that message out. We need to be the messengers." 

Video Clip and Discussion Guide: While philanthropy is deeply embedded in U.S. society and practice, many people do not know the word or understand its full meaning. This one-minute video clip has some humorous definitions along with definitions from philanthropy scholars. Philanthropy is giving time, talent, or treasure and taking private action for the common good. Share this video to start a discussion of the many forms of philanthropy in practice. 

Video Clip and Discussion Guide: People have the power as social activists to make a difference for the common good. Sometimes laws and practices are unfair. We use voting, advocacy, and our right to protest to raise awareness and demand justice. This 4-minute video and follow-up questions prompt youth to recall actions of the past that changed laws. Through discussion, young people examine social activism of today and current issues of debate. 
