Tell me a story...

A poor woman had only one son. She worked hard cleaning houses and grinding grain for the well-to-do families in town. They gave her some grain in return and she lived on it. But she could never afford to buy nice clothes or toys for her son. Once, when she was going...

Tell me a story...

This tale is about a woman who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem about a century ago. Washing clothes for a family then was a chore of almost unimaginable difficulty. So after six hours of backbreaking labor, this pious housewife hung her laundry out to dry in the...

Central Asian (Khirghiz) Tale: The khan (leader) gives instructions on who is to follow him at his death. His white falcon lands on the shoulder of a poor shepherd, who turns out to be a wise and just leader. The shepherd chooses a wife by declaring a contest of riddles. Wisdom and kindness are not the province of the elite alone.
