by John Kroetz
by John Kroetz
by Yue Ming
"The Shout" is an Everyday SEL practice for encouraging young people to express their authentic emotions and use their emotions to create change. Cierra Kaler-Jones argues that “Righteous anger has long been used as a tool to fuel movements that have and continue to propel our nation forward towards justice. To tell students to not harness their anger is to tell them their rage isn’t warranted.”
Michelle Parker
Authored by Jordan Almos
What can young people do in their role in civil society as they decide whether and how to get involved? At Learning to Give, we want to help youth learn about and practice taking action for the common good. The following explorations and ideas help to involve voice and action to make a difference.
Biographical Highlights
Some of the milestones in his career are as follows: (Remini 2002)