This resource was developed in collaboration with the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF) Youth Philanthropy Task Force powered by Michigan youth, CMF members, and nonprofit leaders.
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When a crisis upends life or disaster strikes, whether caused by nature or humans, the humanitarian spirit of individuals and communities swells. The lesson plans, project ideas, and links to nonprofit resources here provide opportunities to discuss our response to a crisis and explore actions that young people can take before and after disaster strikes.
We're all the same in one basic way: We all want other people to understand us. In this lesson, youth learn about needs of differently abled children in their school or community and take a step toward removing barriers. They use the persuasive power of communication to raise awareness of ways to understand and show respect for people with disabilities through a service project.
The activities described here are linked at the bottom of this page to help learners get to know their community and the resources there. They also help students take action to address a need and then reflect on the service-learning process.
Every person has individual traits that make them unique and who they are. People with neurological or physical differences have often been seen as less capable or received services that separated them from others. Society is enriched when it embraces our differences as gifts and characteristics to understand and respect. Awareness can change attitudes, laws, and opportunities. Each young person has a voice, heart, and hands to take big and small actions to help us create a more inclusive world.
Get to know the stories of people who represent a life of service. They may be veterans who chose to serve in the military or elderly friends who have served as activists or volunteers for different issues. Communities are stronger when people take action and work together for a common purpose. These activities, project ideas, and community resources prompt discussions and service that build respect for people of different roles, types of service, and generations.
The nonprofit sector assures we have the arts in the form of museums, theaters, ballet, and public art. Through the arts, people gain joy and explore and discuss the themes of life. Art may be an expression and communication tool to advocate for issues. This toolkit includes lesson plans, project ideas, and background information related to the arts.
Women around the world face challenges at all levels of income, education, global development, and age. While the world is slowly becoming more accepting of gender being a spectrum of expression and identity, anyone not clearly defined frequently faces judgment, discrimination, hate, even violence for embracing their true self in a world that doesn’t understand or tolerate ambiguity. This toolkit provides information, advocacy tools, lessons, and project ideas to help young people take action to change the worldview of gender and demand equity.
We often hear about the importance of eating three healthy meals a day, however, some of us do not have the resources to even eat one. The problem with hunger and malnutrition is more complex than access to healthy food. It is complicated by multiple societal issues that we can address. Youth are equipped with a voice, heart, and hands to take big and small actions for a meaningful purpose to help raise awareness of and fight the issues of hunger and malnutrition.
This toolkit guides youth, educators, group leaders, families, and community groups as they investigate the issue of kindness and prepare to take action.