In this lesson, learners read the true story of Cynthia Ann Parker who was born in a white family and raised by Native Peoples. They look for and discuss the examples of respect and disrespect for Cynthia and the Native culture she was raised in.
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Youth recognize the value of giving to promote the success of the whole community by looking at examples of the sacrifices and traditions of people of Native American cultures.
We look at the Society of Friends/Quakers and describe how this group promoted the common good. The Quakers pushed for religious freedom and freedom of choice, which are Core Democratic Values. As a group, they formed organizations to promote social change in the areas of slavery,...
Michelle Parker
Written by Anastesia Okaomee
Junkanoo is a Bahamian Festival that takes place in December. The festival was started by slaves who were restoring some of their native customs that they left behind in Africa. Junkanoo is a nice example of artistic expression communicating aspects of a...
Students explore the roles of bees in a hive and as pollinators. They learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. The design a project to help beautify their school and help the larger environment by attracting bees. They may write a letter or create a...
Every day, we make choices about what to eat based on our health and what we like and can afford. As global citizens who care about the good of all, we can also be aware of making food choices based on our impact on an interconnected system.
The participants investigate the roles of historical and contemporary Latino philanthropists. They will look at the work of César Chávez and Dolores Huerta in the farm labor movement within the historical context of Latino activism in the United States.