by Katie Hunt and Rachel Mullinnix
by Katie Hunt and Rachel Mullinnix
Written by
DeAirra Goss
Courageous Conversations about social justice are an Everyday SEL practice. These prompts can be used to facilitate conversations that aim to build empathy and connection by inviting participants to speak and listen from the heart. Courageous Conversations take place after a stimulus, such as a video or image, is introduced. A stimulus is used to build background and stimulate thinking and discussion.
In spite of the diverse roots that make up our country, some immigrants who come for opportunity and refugees who are forced to leave their homes are treated with disrespect or even cruelty. Young people have the opportunity to speak up and raise awareness of the beauty of diversity and value of embracing people of all backgrounds and situations. This toolkit guides youth, educators, group leaders, families, and community groups as they investigate the issue of immigration and refugees and prepare to take action.
Biographical Highlights
This toolkit guides youth, educators, group leaders, families, and community groups as they facilitate building inclusive communities and prepare to take action. Contents: