Using a brainstormed list of health and safety issue areas, participants design and implement a survey. They poll a group of friends and family to determine what health and safety issues are of greatest concern in their community.
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Unit: Community Health and Safety
Participants gain exposure to how citizens organize in response to a need. They observe the benefits of group cooperation. They review data they have collected from surveys and work in collaborative groups to identify focus areas for the service-learning project.
Unit: Take a Stand on Bullying
Learners define bullying and identify the effects of bullying behavior on the individuals involved and the larger community. The learners create a survey or use another method to collect and report on the perceived status of bullying behavior at their school. They survey students, school staff,...
Unit: We are the Positive School Culture
A positive school or community climate is made up of people making choices about how to act and treat one another. It is everyone's responsibility to follow the established social contract. To make a deliberate social contract, participants identify how they want to act together and survey the...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students explore what it means to be responsible citizens and identify ways they are (or can be) responsible at home, in school, and in the community. They create a survey related to people's perceptions of community health and poll members of the community to identify needs.
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
Students select an issue area and research on the Internet, specifically the Learning to Give briefing papers to identify philanthropists and philanthropic organizations who have an interest in addressing that issue. Using the information gained from research, students write a...
Unit: Voting and the Common Good (10th Grade)
Learners examine the statistics of voter turnout in the Federal Elections and from these statistics the learners draw some comparative conclusions.
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
In this lesson, learners identify bullying behavior using two literature books, Mr. Lincoln's Way and The Secret Bully. They compare and contrast two examples of bullying behavior portrayed in the books and create a peer/staff/family survey to...
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants will survey members of the community (school or local area) to determine a need, write proposals to satisfy the need, consider doing an optional one-day fundraiser to help fill that need, serve on a board of directors or a youth advisory...
Unit: Community Connections
The learners will be introduced to philanthropy and be able to generate examples of various ways the community is impacted, either by individuals, families or community organizations.