Youth distinguish between public and private, and categorize a list of places as public or private. They determine their personal responsibility to care for public (common) areas and share their new understanding by making posters about taking care of "common" or public areas in...
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Unit: Our Land
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...
Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
This lesson is a celebration to culminate this intergenerational project. The children make a final visit to the senior center or retirement home where all the participants gather for a snack and a farewell celebration. The children read aloud and give their published Living History Books to...
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
In this lesson, the students are empowered to explore charities related to their own interests and make an impact of their own. Students research different charitable organizations and choose one to represent in a creative way at a tzedakah fair. The students invite family and community...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students describe elements of personal health and fitness and relate this to the health of the community, recognizing that the elements of a healthy community are good for all members. The students identify the availability of healthy foods and practices in the school, neighborhood, and home...
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students read and analyze different leadership types and then create a visual presentation about a "servant leader" who puts the needs of those served first. They may explore the rich Our State of Generosity website to read about...
Unit: Global Health: Food Around the World
In this lesson, young people examine their typical diet for 24 hours. They analyze the nutritional content and discuss why diets differ by culture, region, and economics.
Unit: Personal Giving Mission Statement
Learners look at nonprofit mission statements and then create a personal mission statement related to the impact they want to make as responsible, engaged citizens.
Focus Question: How does an individual use personal interests and strengths to impact the common good?
Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. Students respond to scenarios of differences in opinion. They learn to communicate respectfully with someone of a...
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
This lesson explores opposing perspectives on fairness issues and whether fairness is based on fact or context. Students compare and contrast different perspectives on two fairness issues - one global and one personal. They reflect on when fairness is a matter to advocate for through...