Three amendments to the Constitution extended voting rights to more citizens. Look at the language of these amendments and the effectiveness of everyone actually getting the vote. Youth discuss the purpose of voting, and they take action to make a difference, such as by making ...
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Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Unit: Technology and Community Service Course at the Pingry School
Students use standard software as they develop, research, and present a project related to community nonprofits.
Unit: Those Who Care
The purpose of this lesson is to identify what it means to be a true hero. The learners will explore character traits of heroes and apply this information to understand why individuals, or organizations might be considered heroes for animal welfare and humane...
Unit: Early American Influences
We learn how different groups coming together for the good of all established the Mayflower Compact. This brief agreement was the first document of its kind designed to bring a community together to focus on the common good. This may be a model for a group agreement written by the...
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
Youth develop an understanding of the value of a service learning project as they realize their responsibility to contribute to the community in positive ways.
Unit: Teaching Tolerance (Private-Religious)
Through discussion of the book The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss, we learn about tolerance and the value of diversity in community.
Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Using the plays from the previous lesson as a jumpstart, youth carry out a plan to share time and talent in the community. They may help at a local food pantry or donation center. After the visit, they reflect on the impact of their contribution to...
Children interview and write a story about a person in their family or community. They share their stories to celebrate the unique differences in people in the community.
Unit: Civil War Philanthropy
Young people read about the talents and interests of people who took action for the common good during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The youth identify some of their own talents and match them to nonprofit organizations they can support today.
Unit: Power to the People through Action
Participants research leaders who used the nonprofit sector as an alternative power structure to make positive changes in society. They will identify the Core Democratic Values that each leader focused on.