In this lesson the learners will be introduced to some of the individuals/Heroes whose acts of tikun olam provide important models. Having developed a better understanding of tikun olam based upon Sefer Yetzirah and other classical and modern sources on the topic of how the...
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Unit: We Are Partners in the Work of Creation (Tikkun Olam) (Private-Religious)
Unit: Art for the Common Good—Junkanoo!
Junkanoo is a Bahamian Festival that takes place in December. The festival was started by slaves who were restoring some of their native customs that they left behind in Africa. Junkanoo is a nice example of artistic expression communicating aspects of a...
Unit: Character Education: Trustworthiness (Grade 7)
The learners read about two very different Texas pioneers - William Goyens and Mary Maverick - and identify how they earned the trust of others.
Unit: We Are Guardians of the Earth (Private-Religious)
It would seem that contradictions abound in the Bible! Finding interpretations that allow these contradicting texts to coexist is both a traditional religious concern and a contemporary dynamic enterprise. It is also a pursuit that will determine how one comes to understand the role of Biblical...
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students read and analyze different leadership types and then create a visual presentation about a "servant leader" who puts the needs of those served first. They may explore the rich Our State of Generosity website to read about...
Unit: It's Goin' Down; The Rain Forest
Researching from the perspective of one type of scientist, youth become experts on the attributes of a tropical rainforest as well as the threats to its health and impact on the globe. Youth work in teams of four to make a collage poster and presentation.
Unit: George H.W. Bush and Points of Light
Students define and give examples of government philanthropy. They compare and contrast the four economic sectors. Small groups research a historical example of government philanthropy or civic action and write a persuasive piece to advocate for an issue related to government philanthropy.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
This lesson explores opposing perspectives on fairness issues and whether fairness is based on fact or context. Students compare and contrast different perspectives on two fairness issues - one global and one personal. They reflect on when fairness is a matter to advocate for through...
Unit: Dreaming of Gardens
After reading two stories, learners compare and contrast the attitudes, actions, and impact of the main characters. They reflect on some essential questions: What does it mean to be a philanthropist? What does it mean to be an environmentalist? What does it mean to be a good steward...
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
In this lesson, learners identify bullying behavior using two literature books, Mr. Lincoln's Way and The Secret Bully. They compare and contrast two examples of bullying behavior portrayed in the books and create a peer/staff/family survey to...