Participants gain awareness about the work of local nonprofit organizations through research and by interviewing representatives. They summarize the mission, needs, and impact of the organizations on the community.
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Unit: Community Philanthropy
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To bring awareness to the importance of partnerships between nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government agencies and how they can work together.
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
Students will describe how local nonprofits help the community.
Unit: Community Health and Safety
Using a brainstormed list of health and safety issue areas, participants design and implement a survey. They poll a group of friends and family to determine what health and safety issues are of greatest concern in their community.
Unit: Community Connections
The identification of the services provided by for-profit, nonprofit and governmental organizations and the drawing of community map that not only identifies the various services provided by these community organizations but also maps areas of need in the community form the intent of this lesson...
Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students explore the roles of bees in a hive and as pollinators. They learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. The design a project to help beautify their school and help the larger environment by attracting bees. They may write a letter or create a...
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
An annual speaker introduces students to those in the greater community who are recognized for their philanthropic contributions to society.
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 7)
Learners reflect in writing about how they can use their personal resources and interests to make a difference in someone's life.
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data.
Unit: From Struggle to Success
Students edit their memoir drafts, adding dialogue and figurative language in this guided writing session. This lesson will help students realize that struggles they experience in their lives often lead to a new understanding or lesson learned. Students will reflect on how their experience...