This lesson will raise awareness of what constitutes a nutritious meal as well as the price of a healthy meal. Students will learn that some people lack the funds to pay for nutritious meals. It will also motivate the students to raise money to pay for meals
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Unit: Tzedakah: How Can We Help? (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Unit: Writers as Activists
Students will summarize the words of Rachel Carson and describe the impact one woman writer had on the world and our environment by reading Part I of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and Al Gore's 1994 introduction to the latest printing of the book.
Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 8)
The learners brainstorm the effects of taking responsibility and not taking responsibility around issues they care about.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to the concept of philanthropy and have them begin thinking about how they can be intentional about their giving of money and time. Students explore issues and identify an issue about which they are passionate; they get to know different types of nonprofit...
To introduce students to examples of the major types of nonprofit organization: arts, education, environment, health, religion, and social services. Each site is representative of a nonprofit category and the visit is to give students an example of opportunities for giving.
Unit: Diet and the Environment
The learner develops an awareness of alternative, earth-friendly ways to eat. This lesson encourages the learners to evaluate how their food choices affect the environment. Youth identify ways organic and processed foods contribute to their health as well as the health of our world.
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 7)
Learners reflect in writing about how they can use their personal resources and interests to make a difference in someone's life.
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
Youth make a plan as empowered and responsible members of the civil society to take action to prevent bullying behavior while being sensitive to the people involved, from the victim to the bystander to the bully.
Unit: It's Goin' Down; The Rain Forest
Researching from the perspective of one type of scientist, youth become experts on the attributes of a tropical rainforest as well as the threats to its health and impact on the globe. Youth work in teams of four to make a collage poster and presentation.
Unit: Community Philanthropy
Participants become familiar with philanthropy-related terms and a variety of philanthropy in the past. We consider the impact of people who contribute in large and small ways to the health of the community.