In this activity that follows the model of the story of Stone Soup, we learn about a mindset that says "yes we can" rather than looking at what we don't have. We cooperate to solve a problem for the good of all.
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Unit: Philanthropic Behavior
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students conduct and evaluate their service project, then celebrate their success. After the service project, invite guests, volunteers, community members, and other students to celebrate with the class.
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Performance of the mitzvah of tzedakah is, ideally, a holistic part of life, not an activity to be performed when all others have been completed! This lesson offers a classic model of how that ideal was realized by one of our Sages, Rabbi Tanchum, and how our families might...
Unit: Those Who Care
The lesson provides learners with an opportunity to explore ways to become a hero for animals by promoting animal welfare and humane treatment of animals. Learners identify a local, state, national or international animal welfare cause and develop a personal service/advocacy plan, using the...
Unit: Drumming from the Heart
The learners make drums with recyclable containers and colorful craft supplies. They collaboratively write and illustrate a retelling of the story of "The Drum" and give it to a younger child.
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students read and analyze different leadership types and then create a visual presentation about a "servant leader" who puts the needs of those served first. They may explore the rich Our State of Generosity website to read about...
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
We define what fairness means and compare and contrast definitions. Participants build empathy as they discuss others' experiences with fairness.
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
The purpose of this lesson is to teach learners how to give charity, to whom one should give charity, and to what extent/amount of charity is to be given. The lesson follows the examples and teachings of Maimonides (the Rambam) as well as interpretations and extensions of ancient Biblical laws...
Unit: GivingTuesday
We define philanthropy and discuss the joy of giving, as well as various ways to give through nonprofits in the community. We learn how #GivingTuesday, an international initiative, focuses on generosity and the power of social media and combining efforts with others to make a big...
Unit: What Goes Around, Comes Around!
Artists contribute to the common good by sharing their talents. The nonprofit sector supports artists with funding, museums, and attention or education. We learn how artists' work is supported by philanthropy and nonproft organizations that assure we have access to art. Young...