Through a choice of prompts, the learners reflect on and express their understanding of being responsible.
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Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 6)
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
The learners review the water cycle and come to an understanding about the need to sustain the quality of the world's water for the common good.
Unit: Philanthropy—Essential to a Democratic Society
Students will learn the fundamental principles of parliamentary procedure and use the procedure to create a plan for a service project in the community.
Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Using the plays from the previous lesson as a jumpstart, youth carry out a plan to share time and talent in the community. They may help at a local food pantry or donation center. After the visit, they reflect on the impact of their contribution to...
Unit: Tzedakah: How Can We Help? (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will help students learn the importance of helping people in need, and teach them to take an active role in helping others. It will allow the students to be aware of what kind of items and quality of items should be donated, how to communicate an idea to others by visual means...
Unit: Be the Change: Personal Health
Learners review healthy eating habits and share their learning to promote a healthier community.
Unit: For Love of Country
Unit: Lunchroom Recycling Plan
Students organize and implement a school-based recycling plan based on a one-day lunchroom waste audit.
Adapt this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project for Earth Day. The reflection...
Unit: Exploring the Timeline of US Philanthropy
In this lesson, the learners tell stories of two events in history: a current event from their own point of view and an earlier significant event shared by an older friend or relative. They compare and evaluate how philanthropy responded to each event as well as how they each disrupted...
Unit: Dear Philanthropist
Based on researched information, participants write a bio-poem about a philanthropist.