The young people create a video by compiling recordings of the songs and acting they did as a group to communicate the meaning of acting for the common good. They share their video with a local hospital, retirement community, or preschool as entertainment.
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Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To help students understand that not all organizations spend their philanthropic dollars wisely and to teach them effective ways to assess the different approaches.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Learners define perseverance and identify the need to persevere in completing tasks. They will explore obstacles and excuses that deter perseverance.
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will familiarize the learners with basic laws of charity (tzedakah) in Biblical literature. Through laws and stories, students will begin to understand the level of importance that the Bible places on acts of charity (tzedakah), specifically as it relates to...
Unit: Let's Make Lemonade
We define the vocabulary in the definition of philanthropy through an original song with a familiar tune.
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
The learners reflect on a literature book written from the viewpoint of someone who used to bully others, Confessions of a Former Bully. They analyze the data collected from their survey to determine how bullying behavior affects their school. They learn that addressing...
Unit: Telling Our Stories of Giving
Students learn about the characteristics of an effective personal narrative and compare those to a news article. They do prewriting activities and practice writing details to show rather than tell about an experience.
Unit: We Are Guardians of the Earth (Private-Religious)
The most important role models for learners demonstrate how one can live responsibly in our world while achieving success by contemporary measure. The great gift and challenge of Judaism is to bring holiness to the profane- to the worldly. The models offered in this lesson are successful in this...
Unit: Grow Involved K-2
Children listen to and respond to stories about the value of a home and the difficulties of not having a home. They make painted rocks or other comfort items and give them to a friend or donate them to a local shelter.
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To introduce students to fundraising and to guide them as they raise funds that will be used by the class for grantmaking to selected organizations