As a reflection exercise on perseverance, learners illustrate a conversation about perseverance between two people.
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Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Unit: Cultural Diversity in Service
Learners compare and contrast the work and mission of four famous philanthropists: Cesar Chavez, George Washington Carver, Sunderlal Buhuguna, and Abdul Sattar Edhi. They identify the motivations, impact, and attitudes about service, and start to clarify their personal attitudes about service by...
Unit: Drumming from the Heart
The purpose of this lesson is to have the children identify the value of the gifts in the folktale "The Drum." They brainstorm gifts they have to give (time, talent, and treasure) and the value these gifts may have to others.
The learners make drums with recyclable containers and colorful craft supplies. They collaboratively write and illustrate a retelling of the story of "The Drum" and give it to a younger child.
The children visit a local preschool or retirement facility of their choosing to read aloud a book they wrote and illustrated about generous giving. They share a drumming experience and give the drums and books as gifts.
Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 8)
In this lesson, the learners define the concept of responsibility through personal reflection and discussion.
The learners brainstorm the effects of taking responsibility and not taking responsibility around issues they care about.
Learners use respectful language to debate in a scenario that doesn't have a clear right and wrong choice. They try to persuade the group about what is the responsible thing to do.
Through writing, learners reflect on their own plans for taking responsibility rather than leaving things to others.
Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 6)
Some responsibilities are easy to follow while others require constant reminders. Which responsibilities are easy for you, and which ones are easy for your friends? In this lesson we explore the difference between people and types of responsibilities.