Learners use visual literacy skills to analyze the components and message of an image. They listen carefully and seek to understand the different opinions and perspectives of their peers. They identify issues that are meaningful to them and create a simple image and text to communicate a...
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Unit: TeachOne for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Learners use visual literacy skills to talk about an artistic image. They listen respectfully to the different opinions and perspectives of their peers. They identify a need in their school or community and create a simple image that tells others to think differently or take action to improve...
Unit: TeachOne Back to School
Youth reflect on the value of art in communicating feelings and culture, while taking part in service to the community. They teach an art lesson to young children to encourage self-expression. They plan an environmental service project that puts crayons in the hands of young children. The youth...
Unit: Tzedakah: How Can We Help? (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will raise awareness of what constitutes a nutritious meal as well as the price of a healthy meal. Students will learn that some people lack the funds to pay for nutritious meals. It will also motivate the students to raise money to pay for meals
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
Youth make a plan as empowered and responsible members of the civil society to take action to prevent bullying behavior while being sensitive to the people involved, from the victim to the bystander to the bully.
Unit: Pitch In Philanthropic Puppet Project
In this lesson, young people create story scripts from the research and facts collected in Lesson One: Digging Up the Facts. The scripts include setting, one character per child, problem, solution, and a beginning, middle and end. Young people edit and...
Unit: Surviving Auschwitz (9-12)
This lesson focuses on two young Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp. As they return to their home town and the concentration camp, they each tell their story and explain why they were willing to return to such an...
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To create multi-media iBooks with PSAs (public service announcements) that explore and raise awareness about (local or global) issues (such as homelessness, water pollution, education, or hunger) that can be addressed by philanthropy.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To have students identify the things that are important in their lives as a means of finding a “passion” or “passions” the class holds in common. Students will then identify causes that deal with an issue related to their shared passion. This will guide the teacher in selecting and promoting...
To focus on sharing ideas, creating and following through on a plan, and being responsible for one’s role in a group. In addition, River Crossing can have multiple rounds to draw out or focus on key terms. This activity is often used...