To explore many differing views on well-intended philanthropy with students. Review some of the dangers of philanthropy such as inappropriate intervention, inappropriate verbiage, and naiveté.
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Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
Unit: Lights! Camera! Take Action!
The purpose of this session is to plan and develop a video documentary. Modeling their documentary after the West Michigan documentary The Gift of All, youth interview local philanthropists and create a multi-media story of their community and local philanthropy. Creating and sharing...
Unit: From Struggle to Success
Students learn from examples of people who have experienced a struggle and used surrounding resources to make something better for themselves and the people around them. Examples of "servant leadership" are taken from the Our State of Generosity...
Unit: Cultural Competence
The key to cultural competence is learning about cultures around the world. The book Children Like Me sparks curiosity about different cultures. Youth make a simple keychain to represent the different cultures they can learn about with the key that helps them open doors....
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
Students will describe how local nonprofits help the community.
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
The youth take action by determining ways to reduce their own use of plastic bags and by advocating for ways to reduce the use of plastic bags in their own households, the community, state and nation. To take further action, they may propose ways to influence government officials...
Unit: Philanthropy—Essential to a Democratic Society
Learners are introduced to the concept of philanthropy, as giving time, talent, or treasure and taking action for the common good. They evaluate the role of philanthropy in the smooth functioning of government, and describe the role of families in shaping...
Unit: Cinderella Stories
This lesson introduces the characteristics of fairy tales as a genre. The children explore positive and negative character traits and universal themes in the story of Cinderella. The service plan is introduced in this lesson and carried out over the next weeks.
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data.
Unit: Community Clean-Up
Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.
Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project ...