Play matching games on teams to gain familiarity with terms associated with philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Play matching games on teams to gain familiarity with terms associated with philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
To introduce students to fundraising and to guide them as they raise funds that will be used by the class for grantmaking to selected organizations
The learners review the water cycle and come to an understanding about the need to sustain the quality of the world's water for the common good.
To explore many differing views on well-intended philanthropy with students. Review some of the dangers of philanthropy such as inappropriate intervention, inappropriate verbiage, and naiveté.
Through four folktales from different parts of the world and wisdom traditions, learners explore how to make decisions in difficult situations. They define discernment and wisdom and give examples of each in real-life situations.
Learners analyze characters in five European folktales, particularly female characters. They analyze what small acts of kindness contribute to both the giver and receiver.
A youth from a Community Foundation Youth Advisory Committee speaks to the group about the program, their duties, and the process of applying for a grant to do service work.
Reviewing current political cartoons related to justice, equity, and racism, learners identify how language and humor act as a form of social action. They create their own cartoons or statement promoting or showing the damage of one of these themes.
As a group, the young people and their families make all the preparations for the lemonade sale, including making posters and advertising in creative ways. The posters communicate about the purpose for the sale and the impact they hope to make. The children prepare the lemonade for the sale and...
While reviewing the expectations for immigrants to become citizens, young people learn about their own rights and civic responsibility. They learn that freedom isn't free. It was purchased by service and requires continued responsibility of citizens to uphold the rights and expectations of the...