Youth distinguish between public and private, and categorize a list of places as public or private. They determine their personal responsibility to care for public (common) areas and share their new understanding by making posters about taking care of "common" or public areas in...
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Unit: Our Land
Unit: Our Playful Community
Young people play with other children, showing that trust, collaboration, and thinking of the good of all are part of fun group activities.
Unit: Souperservice Kids
In this lesson, we explore where vegetables come from and how they are preserved for healthy eating.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Through four folktales from different parts of the world and wisdom traditions, learners explore how to make decisions in difficult situations. They define discernment and wisdom and give examples of each in real-life situations.
Unit: Personal Giving Mission Statement
Learners look at nonprofit mission statements and then create a personal mission statement related to the impact they want to make as responsible, engaged citizens.
Focus Question: How does an individual use personal interests and strengths to impact the common good?
What is something that makes you excited to get up in the morning and gives you energy? Whatever that vision is, that is your "spark." Young people may not know what their spark is today, and it may change many times over...
Unit: We Are Guardians of the Earth (Private-Religious)
The most important role models for learners demonstrate how one can live responsibly in our world while achieving success by contemporary measure. The great gift and challenge of Judaism is to bring holiness to the profane- to the worldly. The models offered in this lesson are successful in this...
Unit: TeachOne for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Learners use visual literacy skills to analyze the components and message of an image. They listen carefully and seek to understand the different opinions and perspectives of their peers. They identify issues that are meaningful to them and create a simple image and text to communicate a...
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson gives an overview of the nineteenth century Industrial Revolution, and the major changes to how people live and work. Young people learn about the key inventions and changes that shifted focus from people and their skills to big machines and systems of mass production. The systems...
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...