Discuss and debate the issues related to fast fashion, its impact on people and the planet, and how the issue can be addressed to promote responsibility and the common good.
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Unit: Money and the Common Good
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 7)
Learners identify the motivations of Jackie Robinson that fueled his courage in the face of criticism and hate. They discuss what could make some people do something difficult even when they are afraid.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 6)
This lesson provides an example of a politician known for his honesty. The learners identify why they depend on politicians to be honest, and discuss why it is difficult for politicians to be honest.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 7)
The purpose of this lesson is to reflect on long-term impact. Discuss the importance of not getting discouraged when their actions don't seem to make a difference in the short term.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on universal obstacles to persevering and write creative "one-liners" to help them face obstacles with creativity, determination, and humor.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
We define what fairness means and compare and contrast definitions. Participants build empathy as they discuss others' experiences with fairness.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 7)
In response to the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, learners reflect on the barriers and challenges to addressing an unfair situation. Given a list of ways to respond to unfair situations, they match them to a list of unfair situations.
Unit: Civic Virtue in Modern American Democracy
The learners analyze examples from history of civic virtue and then select the characteristics they believe are most important for enduring citizen engagement.
Unit: Early American Influences
Introduce the philanthropic behavior of Native Americans through the speech attributed to Chief Seattle, using the book Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: The Words of Chief Seattle.
Unit: Our Class, Our Earth
Children gain a feeling of ownership and responsibility for the care of the environment in their school and community.