Youth discuss and examine ways to influence healthy food choices related to their interests and understanding. They brainstorm service projects and use a decision-making model to choose a project. They implement their service project and reflect on their action.
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Unit: Global Health: Food Around the World
Participants view pictures of families around the world with the food they eat in a week. Through awareness and discussion, they view cultural and regional differences. They discuss the health, cost, and distribution of food around the world.
Unit: Global Education: Why Learn?
Through discussion and a game, children identify the value of education to individuals and the community.
Unit: Global Education: Equity
Youth explore the effects on themselves, the community, and the world if the government failed to provide U.S. children with an education.
Young people learn about global efforts for universal mandatory education and equity for girls in school.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 8)
We investigate and expand our understanding of caring and determine things or people we care about.
Learners relate enlightened self-interest to caring by discussing a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville about the American tradition of democracy.
Unit: You Light up My Life
Explore how electricity is used and measured. Through data collection tables, young people analyze how much energy their families consume and reflect on ways to conserve energy.
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
The youth compare and contrast the uses and aesthetics of dirt and pavement groundcover. They define permeable and impermeable ground surfaces and discuss the merits of each in relationship to the environment.
Unit: Animals in Sports and Entertainment
Participants explore how animals are used in sports and entertainment. They explore the concepts of animal welfare and animal cruelty. The learners articulate personal opinions concerning the use of animals for human entertainment.