Students research and compare statistics of the history of hunger and obesity around the world.
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Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Unit: Souperservice Kids
The entire family is invited to a family night to assemble dried soup kits to donate to a local food pantry. They may use the dehydrated vegetables from lesson one and other ingredients or contact a food-packing organization that provides the ingredients, and you provide the volunteers. ...
Unit: From Struggle to Success
Students edit their memoir drafts, adding dialogue and figurative language in this guided writing session. This lesson will help students realize that struggles they experience in their lives often lead to a new understanding or lesson learned. Students will reflect on how their experience...
Unit: We Can All Do Our Share
The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate that being in a group (or community) requires cooperation, working together, getting along, and resolving conflicts. The activity enables the children to accomplish this while having fun at the same time.
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To reflect on what students learned from this philanthropy class and to gather their feedback on the class experience.
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
In this lesson, the students are empowered to explore charities related to their own interests and make an impact of their own. Students research different charitable organizations and choose one to represent in a creative way at a tzedakah fair. The students invite family and community...
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 8)
The learners examine the meaning of respect, especially as it relates to relating to people with different views. They describe how inclusion and exclusion from groups can result in conflict and stem from disrespect.
Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students learn about the roles of bees in a colony and discuss how that relates to people in community. Bees have an important role in nature as pollinators, but their population numbers have been declining in recent years. Students write a letter or create a flyer to teach others how to help...
Students learn about the role of bees as pollinators and learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. They write a letter or create a handout to teach others how to help bees through planting native species.