Learners write an acrostic poem about Dr. King's life and work, focusing particularly on his perseverance.
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Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 6)
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Learners brainstorm universal obstacles to completing tasks and meeting goals.
As a reflection exercise on perseverance, learners illustrate a conversation about perseverance between two people.
Unit: Drumming from the Heart
The children visit a local preschool or retirement facility of their choosing to read aloud a book they wrote and illustrated about generous giving. They share a drumming experience and give the drums and books as gifts.
Unit: Character Education: Responsibility (Grade 6)
Using realistic scenarios to spark discussion, the learners discuss the importance and strategies of following through on responsibilities.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
Learners reflect on a role-play scenario demonstrating fair and unfair decision-making techniques. They identify behaviors that promote or create barriers to making decisions. A Dr. Seuss book provides a discussion starter.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on their attitude about and responsibility for making fair choices about spending. They use the literary device of metaphor to express their thoughts.
Unit: Our Unique Legacy of Giving
This beautiful documentary The Gift of All: a Community of Givers shares the motivations and attributes of the generous people interviewed. In response, the learners create their own short biographies of philanthropists in their community.
Unit: The Power of Children
In this lesson, students dream big and envision what it would look like to have the problem solved. They discuss steps to take and what they need to learn in order to accomplish the task. They take personal responsibility for carrying out the expectations they set for the final service-learning...
Unit: Disaster Relief
Learners research a natural disaster and examples of aid to help the affected populations. They learn the roles of the four sectors in responding to the needs. They participate in a collection campaign or other service project and learn about...