Young people explore what it means to be an environmentalist. They work in small groups to research the facts and possible solultions related to an environmental issue. The ultimate goal of the unit is to empower young people to share their knowledge (talent) and make others aware of...
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Unit: Pitch In Philanthropic Puppet Project
Unit: Refugees: Finding a Place
Participants will view a video about a girl named Carly who is a refugee forced to leave her home. They will discuss the problems Carly faces in her journey to find a safe place to live, draw inferences as to why Carly had to flee from her home, discuss in what ways the groups Carly met showed a...
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Many people have a difficult time distinguishing between acts of kindness and acts of philanthropy. Using the definition of philanthropy from the “Defining Philanthropy” lesson, youth will examine various situations and decide which ones are acts of philanthropy. They may discover...
Unit: TeachOne Back to School
Youth reflect on the value of art in communicating feelings and culture, while taking part in service to the community. They teach an art lesson to young children to encourage self-expression. They plan an environmental service project that puts crayons in the hands of young children. The youth...
Unit: Healthy Food Choices
Students learn about food choices as needs or wants. They read a book and discuss healthy choices. They discuss why is not always good to have everything you want. They discuss the foods we need to have healthy bodies and minds. Students create healthy food choice plates and share them to...
Unit: Advise and Consent
Now familiar with how a community foundation serves the community, the learners form a Youth Advisory Committee and use parliamentary procedure to conduct business.
Unit: Nonprofits and Careers
Learners learn the characteristics and impact of the nonprofit sector and distinguish it from the for-profit sector. They identify the mission statement in a familiar nonprofit organization.
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will learn about federal social service programs over time and SNAP, the food assistance program.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: This ten-minute activity is a good workshop energizer to take a break, refresh student energy, and have fun learning the word philanthropy.