Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.
Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project ...
Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.
Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project ...
Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.
Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project ...
This lesson introduces learners to our global community. Learners see how they depend on the earth and the earth depends on them. Since we share the earth with many other people, we have a responsibility (for the good of all) to be good...
The learners organize a clean-up event in a defined area that needs work. They may use garden tools, collect garbage, or clean up dirty or graffiti areas.
A read-aloud book teaches about George Washington Carver and his contributions to science. Students gain an understanding of a famous person of the past and the importance of his actions for the common good.
The children explore attributes of the community in which they live. They compare ways to be generous in rural, urban, and suburban communities.
To show students that everyone is part of the big picture and that the skills needed to take care of a small community of individuals are similar to those needed to care for a larger community.
This activity can be done at different times...
The young people reflect upon themselves as community members and use descriptive language to give themselves meaningful names.
When life is at its most difficult and grief is great, a generous sacrifice can move the spirit toward life again. In these folktales, two Inuits face death with a truly generous spirit.
This lesson focuses on another type of respect: valuing the world around you. Learners analyze a John Muir quote and discuss what they can do to show respect for the world.