Learners reflect on a role-play scenario demonstrating fair and unfair decision-making techniques. They identify behaviors that promote or create barriers to making decisions. A Dr. Seuss book provides a discussion starter.
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Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 6)
Unit: Money and the Common Good
Every day, we make choices about what to eat based on our health and what we like and can afford. As global citizens who care about the good of all, we can also be aware of making food choices based on our impact on an interconnected system.
Discuss and debate the issues related to fast fashion, its impact on people and the planet, and how the issue can be addressed to promote responsibility and the common good.
Young people discuss and debate the issues related to ethical consumerism and the common good, and consider how their spending habits reflect their values.
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Performance of the mitzvah of tzedakah is, ideally, a holistic part of life, not an activity to be performed when all others have been completed! This lesson offers a classic model of how that ideal was realized by one of our Sages, Rabbi Tanchum, and how our families might...
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
We learn about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her leadership of the woman's suffrage movement. At the time it was hard for some people to see that women deserved equality or that change was possible, but her persistence and organization techniques helped raise awareness and involvement....
Unit: No Boundaries
We're all the same in one basic way: We all want other people to understand us. In this lesson, youth learn about needs of differently abled children in their school or community and take a step toward removing barriers. They use the persuasive power of communication to raise awareness of ways to understand and show respect for people with disabilities through a service project.
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
The learners present skits share strategies for addressing bullying behavior. They make a plan to reduce bullying in their school or community.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
Learners explore ways to be honest in communication, writing with clear purpose and honest intent.
Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students learn about the role of bees as pollinators and learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. They write a letter or create a handout to teach others how to help bees through planting native species.