Students define and give examples of government philanthropy. They compare and contrast the four economic sectors. Small groups research a historical example of government philanthropy or civic action and write a persuasive piece to advocate for an issue related to government philanthropy.
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Unit: George H.W. Bush and Points of Light
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students read and analyze different leadership types and then create a visual presentation about a "servant leader" who puts the needs of those served first. They may explore the rich Our State of Generosity website to read about...
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners take action for the common good to promote kindness in their school. They give smiley stickers to others or create posters to display around school with messages that promote kindness or teach people how to respond to bullying behavior.
Unit: Watershed S.O.S.
Through observation of the water cycle, we discuss the importance of water as a nonrenewable resource. Why is being a good steward of this resource an example of acting for the Common Good?
Unit: Telling Our Stories of Giving
Students learn about the characteristics of an effective personal narrative and compare those to a news article. They do prewriting activities and practice writing details to show rather than tell about an experience.
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants will survey members of the community (school or local area) to determine a need, write proposals to satisfy the need, consider doing an optional one-day fundraiser to help fill that need, serve on a board of directors or a youth advisory...
Unit: Those Who Care
The lesson provides learners with an opportunity to explore ways to become a hero for animals by promoting animal welfare and humane treatment of animals. Learners identify a local, state, national or international animal welfare cause and develop a personal service/advocacy plan, using the...
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson explores the contributions made by Clara Barton as a nurse and founder of the American Red Cross. Her work is an example of the women from the Industrial Era making a difference through contributions to society. This lesson incorporates a service project connecting youth to the Red...
Unit: Advocacy-Getting the Job Done
Young people identify several advocacy strategies and draw conclusions as to their effectiveness. They research efforts in past advocacy campaigns to learn about people, styles, and effectiveness.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Through the three Suni folktales, learners analyze the lessons in generosity and behavior for the common good.