Young people prepare for their visit to the retirement home by writing an autobiography. They work together to come up with questions to ask their senior friends.
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Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to a variety of specific nonprofits and their representatives who address topics such as the organization's mission, financial support, and work.
Unit: Hurricane Katrina / Great Hanshin-Awaji Disaster Collaboration
The learners will become aware of human need brought about by natural disasters and will compare domestic experiences with parallel events on the other side of the world.
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Literature and primary documents help youth understand the role of the Constitution for the United States. They overview the three branches of government described in the first three articles and learn that government officials are serving with their time and talent for the common good. With the...
Participants define philanthropy as givng time, talent or treasure and taking action for the common good. They identify philanthropy in a read-aloud story and the regional news.
Unit: Disaster Relief - You Can Count On Me! (3-5)
This lesson introduces learners to taking personal action to respond to a crisis or disaster. They learn vocabulary terms spend, save, and donate, as well as the definition of philanthropy (giving time, talent, and treasure, and taking action for the common good).
Unit: Community Connections
The identification of the services provided by for-profit, nonprofit and governmental organizations and the drawing of community map that not only identifies the various services provided by these community organizations but also maps areas of need in the community form the intent of this lesson...
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...
Unit: Community Philanthropy
Participants become familiar with philanthropy-related terms and a variety of philanthropy in the past. We consider the impact of people who contribute in large and small ways to the health of the community.
Unit: Let's Make Lemonade
Now that the need they want to address is identified, the children meet people in the community who address the need and others who may want to help them with their fundraiser.