Students learn about the power of collaboration, especially in the world of philanthropy. They will discuss: Why would someone want to work with others? What skills and attributes does it require to be a servant leader?
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Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Unit: Writers as Activists
Students will summarize the words of Rachel Carson and describe the impact one woman writer had on the world and our environment by reading Part I of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and Al Gore's 1994 introduction to the latest printing of the book.
Students identify causes they care about and related nonprofits or community resources. They use writing as a tool to make a difference, using persuasive writing techniques.
Unit: Philanthropy in Literature
Students will define philanthropy as "sharing or giving time, talent or treasure for the common good."
Unit: Those Who Care
The purpose of this lesson is to identify what it means to be a true hero. The learners will explore character traits of heroes and apply this information to understand why individuals, or organizations might be considered heroes for animal welfare and humane...
In this lesson the learners will define problem solving and identify some problem solving approaches. They will explore how individuals, groups, and organizations use problem solving approaches,...
Unit: Philanthropy at Home and Abroad
Students read an old quote about the interconnection of all life on the planet and recognize that we are each affected by what happens to others and the environment. They will analyze current local, state, national and international issues addressed in the evening news. They become...
Unit: Earth Keepers
This lesson introduces learners to our global community. Learners see how they depend on the earth and the earth depends on them. Since we share the earth with many other people, we have a responsibility (for the good of all) to be good...
The purpose of this lesson is to guide learners to participate in caring for our Earth by engaging in activities of environmental stewardship.
The learners organize a clean-up event in a defined area that needs work. They may use garden tools, collect garbage, or clean up dirty or graffiti areas.